
If you are having some landscaping work done by a contractor, you have a legal duty to comply with the CDM Regulations 2015. Sounds scary doesn’t it? Don’t panic – we can make it simple for you. What are CDM Regulations? CDM is short for Construction (Design...

Not all winter gardening jobs need to be done outdoors in the freezing cold. Some can be done in the shed and some in the office. Here are our top ten winter gardening jobs for indoors or outdoors.Even the hardiest of gardeners don’t always want...

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is now. ~Chinese proverb. In this article we show you how easy it is to plant a tree and care for it. Why plant a tree?I can’t imagine our Country without...

In this season of cold and fog and not being able to get out into my garden much, I’ve been thinking about how this is actually the time of year when front gardens can really come into their own. While we may not be spending...

Thoughts of wildflower meadows evoke strong childhood memories for me. They take me back to growing up in the North Downs with its chalky landscape of scabious and cowslips. These happy memories alone would be enough to make me want to recreate my own version...